
Program to Easily and Securely Convert Personal Data into Secure Synthetic Data.


  • Anyone can easily transform (generate) data through Drag and Drop without knowledge of AI or programming.
  • All data is generated as secure synthesized data using Cubig's sensitive information protection technology.
  • Only the original data owner can access the sensitive information.
  • Since it does not contain sensitive information, it is free from legal issues such as personal information leakage.
  • Upload directly to azoo, Cubig's data marketplace platform, and share 5:5 with Cubig in revenue from sales of your data.

01 Don't Worry about disclosure

DTS solved the data disclosure issue in a different way.

Existing method

Solving Issues through DTS

02 We, Differential Privacy experts

A mathematical framework for ensuring the privacy of individuals in datasets.

03 Cannot be returned to the original!

All data generated through DTS is apply to Differential Privacy technology.
It is impossible to identify raw data using generated data.

Additional Features

99.9 %

Statistical similarity
to original data

1 / 10

Reduce the cost of
data generation

High Usability

Generate any data from
any industry sector


Contributing to the
future AI industry