Synthetic Data ?

It's better than the data you have. Experience the best data quality through DTS.

A plan to deal with the looming data shortage

OpenAI’s Mr. Altman had a plan to deal with the looming data shortage.

Companies like his, he said at the May conference, would eventually train their A.I. on text generated by A.I. — otherwise known as synthetic data.

Since an A.I. model can produce humanlike text, Mr. Altman and others have argued, the systems can create additional data to develop better versions of themselves. This would help developers build increasingly powerful technology and reduce their dependence on copyrighted data.

“As long as you can get over the synthetic data event horizon, where the model is smart enough to make good synthetic data, everything will be fine,” Mr. Altman said.

<The N.Y times 2024.04>

Rapid Increasing demand

Slowly Supplied Data

DTS can solve data shortage.

You can create unlimited data through DTS.
And it is statistically similar to the original data.

Exporting or Sharing data is illegal due to security issues

Typically, company data is strictly controlled by policy.
However, converted to synthetic data through DTS, it can be exported and shared.
So you can collaborate with other companies without legal issues.

Strict Policy &
Prohibition of Export

Synthetic data through DTS
can be shared.

DTS can solve data sharing.

You can create legal data that can be shared through DTS.
Because this data does not contain sensitive information.

You can generate
private synthetic data
with just a few clicks.


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