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by Admin_Azoo 20 Mar 2024

AI Model Stuck on Low? 5 Key things to Check For a Quick Accuracy boost


Encountering a plateau in your AI model’s accuracy can be frustrating, considering the fact that building an AI model itself requires great effort and resources. Overcoming a plateau is a common challenge in the AI world, yet not an overwhelming issue with the right strategies in hand. Here are 5 tips for you to grab your strategy.

1. AI Models Each Have Their Own Strengths

Different tasks require different model structures in order to perform well. You should review your model’s structure to confirm you’re using the appropriate one, that you’re not using a vision-specialized model for a language sentimental analysis task, or simply regression model for classification. It’s basic but can still easily lead to mistakes.

2. Optimize Model Complexity

More complicated models do not guarantee higher performance. You don’t necessarily have to pile up numerous layers or employ all the fancy and complex techniques to classify just handwritten digits. It’s simply too much. An overly complex model can struggle to generalize from the training data, leading to poor performance on new, unseen data. Simplifying your model or choosing a different algorithm that better matches the complexity of your problem can sometimes yield significant improvements in accuracy.

3. Examine Data Quality Thoroughly

The significant of quality data in training a robust model cannot be overstated. Scrutinize your dataset and make sure that you don’t have anomalies, missing values, or inconsistencies in it. Moreover, it’s crucial to verify that you’re utilizing the correct approach for preprocessing the data.

4. Tune Hyperparameters

Hyperparameters control the entire learning process of an AI model and can have a substantial impact on its performance. Excessively high or low learning rates, inappropriate optimizer or loss function selection, and insufficient epochs are the classic factors that impedes learning. Systematic hyperparameter optimization, through techniques like grid search or random search, can help in identifying the most effective settings for your model.

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5. More Data, More Power

Last but definitely not least, the quantity of data you’ve got matters. Sometimes, your model just needs more to learn from. When you’ve optimized everything else, additional high-quality data can often provide the boost your model needs. If collecting more real-world data isn’t feasible, consider augmenting your dataset with synthetic data. Synthetic data generation can artificially expand your dataset, especially useful for underrepresented classes or scenarios, allowing your model to learn from a broader range of inputs.