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by Admin_Azoo 1 May 2024

Data Privacy: Quizzes to Better Protect Your Data – 1

data privacy

How confident are you in your understanding of data privacy? Even if you’re not a privacy professional, it’s crucial to grasp the key concepts in order to keep up with this ever data-driven era. Here are the five quizzes designed to evaluate your aptitude in data protection. Each quiz challenges your understanding and provide you with valuable insights into different aspects of data privacy.

Quizzes on Data Privacy in AI


Quiz 1. It’s not possible to extract training data out of AI models output because of all the complicated computations. True or False.

In the context of deep learning, training a model involves complex mathematics, including but not limited to linear algebra, calculus, probability, and statistics. In fact, given input data, models evaluate how well their current parameters represent the hidden relationships in the data by calculating the gradients and processing back-propagation. Therefore, you might guess it’s impossible to extract the raw training data out of model outputs. But I’m encouraging you to think carefully again before you answer the question with this hint.

Prompt tuning

Quiz 2. Choose all parties that can infringe on privacy from the data entered as a prompt when using LLMs.

1. LLM provider 2. Internet Service Provider 3. Other users of the LLM

If you’re good with LLMs, you may know that putting your data as exemplars into LLMs. However, have you ever considered the privacy impact of doing so? From now on, you must.


Quiz 1. False

Quiz 2. All

Explanations will be provided in our next posts. Stay tuned!