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by Admin_Azoo 12 May 2024

Unlock AI Fairness: How to Mitigate Racial and Gender Bias in AI (05/12)


AI systems can exhibit significant ethical issues due to gender and racial biases, which stem from the data collection and processing phases and can lead to serious decision-making errors.

Gender Bias in AI

For example, if an AI-based recruitment algorithm is trained on a database dominated by male resumes, it is likely to unfavorably assess female candidates. This occurs because societal biases against women are embedded in the data. Since AI bases its decisions on the data provided, if the data is biased, the decisions will likely be biased as well.

Racial Bias in AI

It is also similarly problematic. For instance, facial recognition technology might fail to accurately recognize or differentiate faces of certain races if those racial features are underrepresented in the training data. This can negatively impact public safety, law enforcement, and the protection of individual rights in various sectors.


Solutions to Mitigate Bias

To reduce such problemss, it is crucial to collect diverse and balanced data. Moreover, increasing transparency in the data generation and management processes and encouraging the participation of people from diverse backgrounds in AI development can ensure a variety of perspectives and experiences are considered in AI system design. This helps promote more equitable and inclusive technological advancements.

Using synthetic data can also be a solution. Synthetic data is generated based on real data but can be manipulated to increase diversity and enlarge samples for specific groups. This addresses the issue of underrepresentation of minority groups in datasets, creating a fairer learning environment for AI.

Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation

Ultimately, continuous monitoring and evaluation are necessary to reduce biases in AI systems. This ensures that AI operates in a socially responsible manner and provides services fairly to all users. Continuous effort and attention are required for ethical AI usage, which will be a crucial factor in the future of technology.

If you want to know about more AI techniques, read more!