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by Admin_Azoo 2 Apr 2024

Hallucinations in LLMs: One of the Biggest Challenges (4/2)

The evolution of Large Language Models (LLMs) has revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence. These models can use language in human-like ways, such as answering user questions, generating new text, and more. However, a major problem with LLMs is that they can also generate things that are not true through the phenomenon of “Hallucination.” This is when a model presents incorrect information as if it were true, or creates facts where none exist.

Why Does Hallucination Occur in LLMs?

One of the main causes of hallucinations is biased or insufficient training data. If a model is exposed to biased data or limited information during training, it is more likely to experience this problem. In addition, a model’s ability to overgeneralize can also cause hallucinations. When a model generalizes too broadly, it is more likely to produce results that are not true to the specific facts.

How to reduce Hallucination?

A strategy to reduce illusions in LLM is to first train the model with diverse and balanced data. This allows the model to acquire a wider range of knowledge and become immune to data bias. You can also introduce post-validation of the model’s output to verify the accuracy of the information generated. Finally, another important strategy is to include mechanisms in the model design that can detect and correct for illusions.

Understanding LLM’s illusory phenomenon and strategies to counteract it are critical to ensuring that artificial intelligence technologies have a positive impact on society and prevent the spread of misinformation. To this end, researchers are constantly improving the performance of their models and exploring better training methods.

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