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by Admin_Azoo 3 Apr 2024

Let’s Enhance Business Efficiency by Sharing Financial Data Easily without privacy concern (4/3)

The Dilemma in Financial Data

In the finance sector, you’re dealing with a mountain of data every day. It’s complicated, it’s huge, and it’s stored in digital storage units for reasons like studying market trends and meeting business requirements. And here’s the catch. Sharing this data across different departments or with the research community is a giant headache. This tricky situation really shines a spotlight on the need for a smart way to create financial datasets that can move freely without privacy issues.

Safeguarding Financial Data with DP-Synthetic Data

Financial data isn’t just any data. It’s super sensitive. And it contains all sorts of personal details about customers. Sharing this information recklessness? Terrible choice with legal issues. So that’s where DP(Differential Privacy)- synthetic data comes into play! You can think of it like the stand-in for real data. It can be used for all purpose while keeping the real, DP-sensitive data safe from attacker’s eyes. This is crucial because the law is pretty clear about keeping personal information under lock and key. Whether it’s GDPR in Europe or FERPA and HIPAA in the US gives the same message : Keep data safe with numerical value. And let’s not forget the lessons from big trouble moments like the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal. We can avoid this legal issues with DP-synthetic data which is already processed safely.

Synthetic data is made through a clever process that reminds the essence of real data but leaves out the possibility of detecting real user’s personal details. So, you get all the good stuff you need without the privacy headaches. This isn’t just putting a mask on the data; it’s about creating new data that’s similar to the original but can’t be linked to any specific person.

Here’s the thing. We’re more focused on keeping things private than locking them down some secure place. It means you can share useful data without accidentally spilling someone’s secrets. Even if someone gets their hands on the synthetic data, they can’t be able to reverse-engineer it back to the real deal.

Let’s get to the CUBIG’s DP Synthetic Financial Data

Wrapping this up, the push for synthetic financial data is extremely important in the world of data privacy and utility. It’s about making the gold mine of financial data while playing by the privacy rules and keeping ethical standards front and center. DP-synthetic data isn’t just a neat trick. It’s a key in the future of finance data sharing, balancing the scales between utility and privacy with using the best methodology.

Cubig have researched the best methodology for DP-synthetic data. We use several own special method to make best quality data with robust security. If you have interest, click here!

Do you want to know where to use your financial synthetic data?