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by Admin_Azoo 27 May 2024

On-device AI: The Bright Shifting Towards the Edge (5/27)

on-device ai

AI has been evolving from computers to smartphones, with each leap bringing us closer to smarter, more efficient technology. “On-device AI” is behind all this evolution. But what exactly is on-device AI, and why is it becoming so important?

Understanding On-device AI

On-device AI refers to the capability of edge devices like smartphones, smartwatches, and home assistants to perform artificial intelligence tasks directly on the device itself, without constantly needing to connect to the cloud or external servers. This means these devices can learn from data, make decisions, and take actions right where they are, using their built-in AI chips and software. While this might seem ordinary, it is actually quite significant, as there are several preliminary considerations to truly appreciate the value of on-device AI.

synthetic data

Software Deployment

There are generally two conventional architectures for software deployment: cloud-based and on-premise. In a cloud-based setup, a server executes and controls everything, with clients simply sending requests to the server. Since all computations happen on the server, clients do not need to be computationally powerful. On the other hand, on-premise software runs directly on the client devices. This means that the software and its entire operational framework are housed within the device itself, which requires much more computational resources from the client.

On-device AI essentially bridges these two models by embedding AI capabilities directly into edge devices. It enables devices to perform immediate data processing without the need for external inputs, balancing the need for powerful local processing with the benefits of autonomy and instantaneity. This development not only mitigates the limitations associated with each traditional modelβ€”such as dependency on network connectivity and high latency in cloud architectures, and the high resource demands in on-premise setupsβ€”but also expands the potential applications of AI in everyday devices.


Fundamental Technologies

On-device AI is enabled by several key advancements:

  1. Advanced Hardware: As Moore’s Law predicts, hardware is becoming more powerful and more affordable. High-end devices now include specialized AI chips tailored for efficient AI operations. These chips facilitate rapid AI task processing with minimal power use, making on-device AI a reality.
  2. Optimized Software: Edge devices are more powerful than ever but still lag behind server capabilities. Despite this, AI algorithms have been effectively optimized for on-device execution. Techniques such as model pruning, which reduces the model size while maintaining performance, and quantization, which conserves memory by reducing the precision of calculations, enable these devices to run complex AI models efficiently.
  3. Federated Learning: This machine learning framework trains a global model across various decentralized devices that hold local data samples, without exchanging raw data. This enhances data privacy and security and uses collective learning from multiple devices to improve model accuracy, all while avoiding heavy data transmission overheads.

These technologies empower devices to autonomously perform complex tasks such as voice recognition, language translation, and image processing. By using on-device AI, developers can create applications that are more responsive, efficient, and privacy-conscious, significantly expanding what smart devices can accomplish in everyday life.