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by Admin_Azoo 18 Mar 2024

Predict What Your Customers Will Do with Diverse Scenario Social Network Data! (03/18)

To promote yourself to customers, you use various methods, among which social networking services (SNS) remain the hottest tool. Particularly for targeting younger generations, many companies are interested in leveraging data generated through SNS. However, the biggest challenge in acquiring and analyzing SNS data lies in privacy issues and the need for extensive preprocessing due to its unstructured format.

But there is an easy way to overcome these challenges: synthetic social network data.

Synthetic Graph Data

social network

Graph-based synthetic data is an excellent choice for mimicking the world of social networking services (SNS). Graph data is particularly suitable for describing relationships between people. By generating graphs (networks) with probabilities similar to the real world, it becomes convenient to predict changes or behaviors of people due to specific issues without infringing on user privacy concerns. In particular, you aim to invest heavily in influential influencers in the SNS world to maximize advertising effectiveness. In this process, synthetic data serves as a safe option.

more about :Β link1, link2

Simulating Strategy in a Virtual Social Network

  • Customer Behavior Pattern Simulation
    • Analyze real customer behavior data and train a generative model to simulate the behavior patterns of new customer groups. This allows us to develop new marketing strategies or validate existing ones.
  • Product Recommendation System Enhancement
    • Using generative models, we generate new product recommendations based on customer purchase history and interests. This helps improve personalized product recommendation systems and enhance customer experience.
  • Social Media Campaign Simulation
    • Train generative models based on social media data to simulate new campaign ideas. This enables us to predict campaign effectiveness and conduct pre-experimentation.
  • Marketing Content Generation
    • Use generative models to create marketing content for specific topics or keywords. This improves content marketing strategies and uncovers new ideas.

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